‘ Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God.’

1 John 4: 7

Who We Are

a welcoming community

Come and join us as we learn to worship God and serve each other and our local community.

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We are a Catholic Anglican Parish

We are a Catholic Anglican parish within the Diocese of Perth. We seek to be faithful to Christ and to a Christian faith handed down to us across the centuries. The heart of our lives together is our worship of God present in the mass. We are a mixed community of Anglicans who are warmly welcoming. We are conscious of our need to grow in Christian discipleship and to spread his Gospel of love and new life for all. We seek to share this love through our worship, music, hospitality and engagement with the wider community. Those who encounter us find a welcoming and active community life of Christian fellowship.


Catholic Anglican or Anglo-Catholic is used to denote churches within the Anglican Communion (those churches that are bound together by the ministry of the Archbishop of Canterbury in England) that express the inherent nature of the Anglican branch of the Church as being a part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.  This is reflected in practice and belief.  Worship is ordered and respectful, although it does not have to be stuffy, and follows patterns of ritual that have been tested over the centuries.  The whole human experience of body, mind and soul are engaged in the service of God and His creation.

Anglo-Catholics accept that the Revelation of God is to be found in Scripture (The Bible), which contains all that is necessary for Salvation, Tradition (The Inherited Teachings of the Apostles and their successors over the Millenia, revealed in Councils, Creeds and Catechesis), and Reason (the outworking of our God-given intellect in the pursuit of truth in response to a changing world.)  Scripture and Tradition inform our Reason.

Our Team

A who's who of the parish.

  • Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy AO

  • The Right Revd Hans Christiansen


  • Reverend Jacob Legarda

    Locum Tenens

The Revd Eileen Warby
- Honorary Deacon

Annaliese Eames - Director of Music

John Foulsham - Council Member

Jim Gallagher - Synod Representative

Ross Easton - Parish Secretary

Catherine Mortimer - Administrator

Roger Winwood - Treasurer

IIona Day - Priest’s Warden

Alison Bevan - People’s Warden

Sandra Hughes - Council Member

Alison Bevan