‘ Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God.’
1 John 4: 7
Who We Are
a welcoming community
Come and join us as we learn to worship God and serve each other and our local community.
Our Team
A who's who of the parish.
Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy AO
The Right Revd Hans Christiansen
Fr Clive Hillman
Appointed by the Archbishop to care for the parish and to help think through our lives together.
The Revd Eileen Warby
- Honorary Deacon
Annaliese Eames - Director of Music
John Foulsham - Council Member
Jim Gallagher - Synod Representative
Ross Easton - Parish Secretary
Catherine Mortimer - Administrator
Roger Winwood - Treasurer
IIona Day - Priest’s Warden
Alison Bevan - People’s Warden
Sandra Hughes - Council Member